Our Team

we have an exceptional, skilled team working with us at jack buck farms.

Robin Buck and Julian Perowne
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Managing Director

Julian Perowne

Jules has been with the business since 1995 and now runs every aspect of the farm in a very professional hands-on manner.

Robin Buck with Grand children - Director
David Buck - Director


Robin and David Buck

David and Robin Buck have more than 100 years of experience between them at Jack Buck Farms and over that time the business area has more than tripled. Full time staff has dropped dramatically from forty to ten but happily this has been achieved without any redundancies and many of our super staff are almost as long serving.

Today David and Robin have a role which is often styled as “consultant”. Farmers find it very difficult to retire! 


Jack Buck Farms is a talented mix of family and a highly skilled and dedicated team.

Our Talented Team gallery

We are fortunate to have a wonderfully skilled regular team of fourteen people, with a good mixture of youth and experience.


join our team

We need seasonal workers at daffodil cropping time.

To ensure that our seasonal staff are employed and paid properly we have, with our neighbour, successfully gained a GLA Licence and formed our own Labour Provider Agency, Socius. Most of the staff employed by Socius are of East European origin but now live locally with settled status.

Working With Us - Celeriac Planing